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Essay 3                                    
  Moving to smart
Computer have become most used things is our daily lives. Before I how to write computer developed with the changing recent about. The establish desktop computer first, before nascent notebooks, tablets and smartphones.
First cause. Computer is to developing rapidly of people need cause daily, to allievating information communication conducting we all more progress technology.
            Second advantages It cultivated of development advantages from desktop up notebook becoming consumable better first. Developed from notebook up tablets become more smart small. Before originated of peoples becoming more smart use daily. Overalled action of organizations that by inclusive computer system of program decreasing of people load order, become have service express. Thus by broadcasted election system in world of development abreast example development
             Next disadvantages. It you sit in front thore of technology for too long you get headache backache. Technical technology increasing become of computer more develop crimes. Computer and smartphone using other site blogs by opened, theme to take sink nervous and hearache . And people`s between to communicate  relationship miore decrease than to socialize is very slow. Children will to induce these technology radiates witraviolet radiation wrong by become.
            As a result. Using mobile phones or tablet more efficient than using computer.Using them our daily life got easier in the future computer maybe same size as mobile phones or tablets. As we live in technological eva our computers get smaller and we could carry them where ever we want easily. These technologies by appaer information and communication development very fast in recent years


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